A new cooperation between the Danish baritone William Pedersen and pianist Laurits Dragsted offers two recital programmes of about an hour suitable for music societies and smaller concert venues.
We hope you are intrigued by the melodious songs of "New nordic tunes" eller or feel like joining us on a musical journey around Europe in ”On land, at sea”.
An introduction to the programmes are available on the following pages.
For more information and booking, please contact us here.
Meet the duo and hear about the programmes (in Danish)
Here's a preview from the rehearsal room:
Efterår (Autumn) by Matti Borg
I samarbejde med sopran Marie Dreisig og kapelmester Jakob Lindbirk er William dykket ned i genren 'legit musical' og har sammensat et koncertprogram med en masse hits.
Lyt og læs mere her eller kontakt os for mere information og booking.